1 Adults, Economy

Practical information about Cairns

Practical information about Cairns

  • Temperature: It is warm throughout the entire year with an average temperature of 26 Degrees in July and 31 Degrees in January.
  • Approximate Flight Duration: The flight duration from Hong Kong to Cairns is approximately 7hours 20minutes.
  • Approximate Flight Distance: The flight duration from Hong Kong to Cairns is approximately 3,439 miles/ 5 534 kilometers.
  • Major Airlines: Some of the major airlines flying to and from Cairns are: Air New Zealand, Air Niugini, Cathay Pacific, China Eastern, China Southern, Jetstar, Qantas and Philippine Airlines.
  • Emergency numbers: The Emergency number in Australia is 000.
  • Communication: The telephone dial code for Australia is +61.
  • Currency: The national currency is the Australian Dollar (AUD).
  • Language: The official language that is spoken in Cairns is English.

To Cairns


  1. Hong Kong
  2. Taipei
  3. Bangkok
  4. Singapore
  5. London
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